// Adrenaline Bot for Lineage 2 | Automatic Rush Impact script


Script for domination with Doombringer class with lots of configurations for GF/GE but will be useful for HF as well

  • Possibility to ignore targets that are Stunned/Petrified/Sleeping/Invincible/in Ultimate Defense
  • Possibility to choose attack mode: ALL (attackable), PvP/PK/WAR and PvE mode
  • Possibility to reskill enemies that got resurrected with two modes: by Class ID(s) and specific targets
  • Possibility to choose priority targets by specific Class ID(s)
  • Possibility to choose interrupt priority to break the cast for specific spells
  • Possibility to disarm players with Simple (target) Disarm and Mass Disarm by specific criteria
  • Possibility to automatically use Bottle of Souls / SoulShots / WW & Haste potions
  • Possibility to dispell useless buffs (eg. Kiss of Eva or Accuracy)
  • Possibility to cleanse de-buffs from yourself (eg. Dryad Root or Seal of Binding)
  • Possibility to use a “Safe casting”. Cancels your target until spell will be casted fully to avoid interruption
  • Possibility to use all functions only Out of Town, only in Active Lineage 2 window
  • Possibility to use in-built ACP for automatic use of potions (CP/HP/MP)
  • Possibility to group to your Party or Clan leader (bindable)
  • Possibility to ignore from targeting specific Clan(s) and Nickname(s)
  • Possibility to bind your profiles to specific buttons (eg. Profile#1 = Ctrl+C, Profile#2 = Caps Lock etc.)
  • Possibility to back-light your party members with Blue / Red circle (Team) and as well your Party & Clan leader